Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Engineering Ground Zero

What different "trades" (types of construction work) are featured in this video? Name at least three.
1. Concrete

2. Landscape
3. Glass work
4. Piping
5. Steel
6. Electrical
7. Stone work
8. Coating
9. Thermal insulation
10. Firefighting facilities
11. Water facilities

What aspect of the project is most interesting to you? Why is that?
All of the ideas and innovations were interesting and inspiring. I found that the thoughts behind all of the work was very miticulous and new. Every aspect of the work being done rivaled each other for greatness, emotionally as well as in an innivative sense. The memmorial itself was an amazing idea, especially since it spoke to those effected and those who witnessed the event as well as everyone else. The building that is to the World Trade Center has, I believe, a very unique and tranquil design. The overall atmosphere of the environment pays great tribute to those who lost their life in the tragic attack. It seemed that everyone working on the site was giving their all for the cause. In other words, all aspects of the project were interesting to me because the reasons for the project had much meaning and the engineering that was used was innovative and impressive.

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